Textiles UnTangled

05Feb18:3021:30Textiles UnTangled

Event Details

Find out more about the textile industry, its impacts, the alternatives for sustainable fashion and join the movement.

The thread of the workshop

Learn: Understand all the impacts of textiles on our societies and the environment.
Share: Share knowledge in a collaborative setting.
Explore: Learn about different themes in a fun and interactive way.
Act: Use your newfound knowledge to make both big and small changes in the world.

“A great workshop to better understand the impacts of the textile industry with lots of mini games. Fun and interesting, for everyone, I love it!” – Sylviane

“Thank you for this great workshop! We didn’t see the time pass. This tool is a powerful support for raising awareness and training for internal changes. The team is very motivated and we are ready to go to step 2! This overall vision is a good preamble to eco-design.” – Maxime Lerbut, Sustainability & CSR Manager, Promod

“This game is a playful, civic-minded and inclusive way to think about our relationship to clothing. I highly recommend it!” – anonymous

“I learned valuable elements about the choices we can make to minimize our greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants when we have to consume textiles, be it clothing, furniture and other textile products.” – Alex

“The workshop is very rich and full of information, both for neophytes and professionals in the sector. I have worked for 10 years in the field of textiles and materials and I have learned some interesting things.” – Chloé

For more information, visit the site of the Textiles UnTangled workshop.

This workshop is organized by One Planet Friends. It will be facilitated by Vinca Bonduelle, a trained facilitator who is volunteering for this event. A ticket price is requested to contribute to room costs, advertising and train tickets for facilitators coming from afar.

Full price: CHF 15.00
Reduced price: CHF 7.00


5. Februar 2024 18:30 - 21:30(GMT+01:00)


WWF Schweiz Hohlstrasse 110 8004 Zürich

Hohlstrasse 110, 8004 Zürich

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